
米「ザ・ハリウッド・リポーター」が第65回“SoCal ジャーナリズム・アワード”で“Best Website”、“Best Investigative Story”、“Best Cover Art”を含む47のノミネーションを獲得した。
また、レベッカ・キーガン氏が印刷(5万部以上)部門の年間ジャーナリストにノミネートされた。その他、セス・アブラモヴィッチ氏、サミュエル・ブラスロウ氏、キム・マスターズ氏、スコット・ロクスボロー氏が雑誌部門の“Best Investigative Story”、ダニエル・ファインバーグ氏とアンジー・ハン氏が“Criticism of TV”、デイヴィッド・ルーニー氏が“Criticism of Film”に選出された。
さらに“Heat Vision”、“THR”、“Esq.”、“The Live Feed”は“Best Blog”(団体)にノミネートされた。
第65回“SoCal ジャーナリズム・アワード”授賞式は、6月25日にロサンゼルスにて開催される。
Print, over 50,000 circulation
Rebecca Keegan
メディアプラットフォーム – 印刷, ラジオ, ポッドキャスト, テレビ, オンライン
Technology Reporting
Alex Weprin and J. Clara Chan, “Social Media Giants to Top Creators: Your Terms of Service Have Changed”
Multimedia Package
The Hollywood Reporter, “Sustainability Issue”
Commentary/Analysis of TV
Lesley Goldberg, “Why HBO Canceled ‘Westworld’”
Daniel Fienberg, “Critic’s Notebook: Is Late Night on the Verge of a Diversity Downgrade?”
Criticism of TV
Daniel Fienberg — ‘Fleishman Is In Trouble,’ ‘Dahmer,’ ‘The U.S. and the Holocaust’
Angie Han — ‘Mo,’ ‘East New York,’ ‘A League of Their Own’
Criticism of Film
David Rooney
印刷/オンライン – 報道局、代理店を含むメディア
Obituary/In Appreciation – Film/TV Personalities
David Rooney, “Critic’s Appreciation: Angela Lansbury, a Class Act From a Vanishing Breed”
Gender and Society
Rebecca Keegan, “She Wrote the Memo That Helped Take Down Harvey Weinstein. She’s Finally Ready to Talk.”
アート/写真 – すべてのプラットフォーム
Portrait Photo, Entertainment
Ash Barhamand, Jenny Sargent, Peter B. Cury, Austin Hargrave, “Tilda Swinton”
Ash Barhamand, Jenny Sargent, Peter B. Cury, Erik Tanner, “The Riddle of Paul Dano”
Entertainment Photo
Ash Barhamand, Kayla Landrum, Peter B. Cury, Jingna Zhang, “Michelle Yeoh”
Peter B. Cury, Neil Davies, “Tokyo Vice”
Peter B. Cury, Nicole Rifkin, “Post Dramatic Stress”
Animation/Moving Graphic
Peter B. Cury, Kelsey Stefanson, Rafael Varona, “The Sustainability Issue Cover”
Cover Art
Ash Barhamand, Peter B. Cury, Christian Cody, “Lupita Nyong’o”
Page Design
Christopher Hawkins, Christian Cody, “Lupita Nyong’o”
プリント – すべてのメディア
Lifestyle Feature
Kirsten Chuba, “The Art — and Ordeals — of Showing Tattoos in TV and Movies”
Race and Society
Rebecca Sun, “Hollywood’s Chief Diversity Officers Tell All”
雑誌, LA局の雑誌を含む
Seth Abramovitch, “Puppet Makers Rise Up Against the Puppet Masters”
Samuel Braslow, “Is Eric Weinberg Hollywood’s Most Prolific Predator?”
Kim Masters and Samuel Braslow, “‘Hiding in Plain Sight’: After Being Fired From ‘Scrubs’ for Misconduct, Alleged Rapist Eric Weinberg Kept Working”
Scott Roxborough, “Did Oscar Winner Asghar Farhadi Steal the Idea for ‘A Hero’?”
Feature Film/TV, over 1,000 words
Seth Abramovitch, “Kitty Kelley, Queen of the Unauthorized Biography, Spills Her Own Secrets”
Gary Baum, “The Many Lives and Dying Words of Aesop Aquarian”
Feature, under 1,000 words
Ryan Gajewski, “Hollywood Flashback: In 1966, ‘The Russians Are Coming’ Tackled the Cold War With Comedy”
Entertainment Feature
Lacey Rose, “Inside the Final Days of ‘The Wendy Williams Show’”
Personality Profile, Film Personalities
James Hibberd, “Sylvester Stallone Gets Candid About Career, Regrets, Feuds: ‘I Thought I Knew Everything’”
Personality Profile, TV Personalities
Seija Rankin, “Sydney Sweeney on Fame, Hollywood Fakery and the Pressure of Paying the Bills”
Personality Profile, Politics/Business/Arts Personalities
Gary Baum, “Better Call Brad: Hollywood’s Secret Problem Solver Speaks”
テレビ/映画 – 南カリフォルニアで制作した放送、オンライン・ケーブルを含む
Entertainment Personality Profile/Interview
Lesley Corral, Rebecca Keegan, Jonathan Suhadolnik, “James Cameron Shares Stories Behind His Iconic Movie Lines from ‘Titanic’ to ‘Avatar’”
Entertainment Reporting
Seth Abramovitch, “It Happened in Hollywood — Susan Seidelman: Desperately Seeking Susan”
Lesley Goldberg, Daniel Fienberg, “‘TV’s Top 5’: John Landgraf on the State of FX; Inside Franchise Hopes for ‘All American’”
オンライン – インターネットで独占公開されたもの
Entertainment News on Film/Broadcast
Mia Galuppo, The Hollywood Reporter, “The Search for Madonna: Inside the Auditions for the Material Girl’s Biopic”
Entertainment News on Music/Performing Arts
Mesfin Fekadu, “Nicki Minaj’s “Super Freaky Girl” Kicked Out of Grammy Rap Category, Will Compete in Pop (Exclusive)”
News Feature, Film/Broadcast
Katie Kilkenny, Gary Baum, The Hollywood Reporter, “Les Moonves’ Compromised Cop: Hollywood Ties, Complicated Past”
Entertainment Feature on TV/Radio
Beatrice Verhoeven, “How ‘Inventing Anna,’ ‘Angeline’ and More Series Went From Magazine Pages to the Small Screen”
Entertainment Commentary on TV/Film
Lovia Gyaryke, “Critic’s Notebook: ‘Rothaniel’ and Jerrod Carmichael’s Stunning Act of Faith”
Blog, Individual
Scott Feinberg, “The Race”
Blog, Group
Aaron Couch and Borys Kit, “Heat Vision”
Ashley Cullins and Winston Cho, “THR, Esq.”
Lesley Goldberg, Rick Porter, James Hibberd and Jackie Strause, “The Live Feed”
Website, Traditional News Organization
The Hollywood Reporter Staff, The Hollywood Reporter
ソーシャルメディア – コンテンツやクリエイティビティに基づく
Best Use of Social Media to Enhance and/or Cover a Story by a Group
Ryan Fish, Christy Piña, Nekesa Moody, “Blackfamous Roundtable”
Ryan Fish, Christy Piña, James Hibberd, “Inside ‘House of the Dragon’”
Ryan Fish, Anaja Smith, Rebecca Keegan, Lesley Corral, Photo team, “Lupita Nyong’o Forever Cover Story”
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