『フュリオサ』への最初の反応は、驚くほどのパワフルな作品だが(『マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロード』ほどではない)と言う

2015年の衝撃作『マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロード』の前日譚である『フュリオサ』のソーシャルメディアでの反応の解禁が始まった。
しかし、この作品を『マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロード』と比較する人は、少し条件をつけていた。『フュリオサ』は「違うギアに入っている」し、「怒りのデス・ロードの輝きには及ばない」ため、「一部の観客を失望させるかもしれない」。ある批評家は、『フュリオサ』は最初の2作の『マッドマックス』に近いと言っていた(『怒りのデス・ロード』が公開された時、最初は最初の2作の『マッドマックス』と似ていないと不平を言う人がいたのが面白い)。
Saw @MadMaxMovie FURIOSA last week and loved it. It's a totally different film from FURY ROAD and would more aptly be compared with the first two MAD MAX films. Likely not quite as easy for casual viewers to jump in, but should still perform well over Memorial Day weekend. pic.twitter.com/5tH9wyEuyj
— EmpireCity Box Office (@EmpireCityBO) May 7, 2024
I would and could easily watch 15 hours of Anya Taylor Joy and Alyla Browne as #Furiosa, however much of her film struggles with inconsistent pacing due to the segmented story. This won't match up to Fury Road's splendor but it also doesn't need to. #IMAX pic.twitter.com/q1vyUpYJeK
— therese lacson • 宋蕾蕾 (@bamfpire) May 7, 2024
George Miller’s #Furiosa is powerhouse action filmmaking at its absolute best! A ferocious & relentlessly paced epic that expands the story of Furiosa and the Wasteland while delivering the craziest chases, the most bombastic characters & just plain stunning cinematography.… pic.twitter.com/tLEADO3Zc2
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) May 7, 2024
brings me great joy to report that Furiosa is really, *really* fucking good.
— david ehrlich (@davidehrlich) May 7, 2024
operates in an extremely different gear than Fury Road (in ways that i suspect will frustrate some people), but also manages to make that movie even richer while carving its own legend in the wasteland.
Jesus George Miller! #Furiosa engulfs you. At times it almost seems to exceed the canvas of the #IMAX format it is THAT big – and yet at times has a deeply affecting intimacy. Echoing cinematic elements from the 50s through the 80s, it’s a rich, smart vision the cast revels in 👍 pic.twitter.com/1C7NWHqUJ7
— Simon Thompson (@ShowbizSimon) May 7, 2024
FURIOSA is a visceral triumph. An epic trip through Miller's scorched wasteland that spans decades. The emotional journey is intimately personal and deeply moving. Action is ferocious, wild and unrelenting. Hold tight and brace for fury. pic.twitter.com/r8OOSCsrNt
— Heroes Unbound (@HeroesUnbound) May 7, 2024
FURIOSA is not FURY ROAD and that’s ok. It’s not trying to be. What it is is something uniquely gnarly and yes, epic. I can’t wait to see it again and again and really dig in. All hail George Miller.
— Josh Horowitz (@joshuahorowitz) May 7, 2024
As for performances, Anya and Hemsworth are fantastic. Tom Burke impresses. pic.twitter.com/QpMpUOBmAg
Well, I saw Furiosa tonight and it was great.
— Esther Zuckerman (@ezwrites) May 7, 2024
- ジョージ・ミラー、ア二ャ・テイラー=ジョイ、クリス・ヘムズワースが、シネマコンで大迫力の映画「フュリオサ」映像を初公開
- ジョージ・ミラー、新作『フュリオサ』主演アニャ・テイラー=ジョイを絶賛
- 『マッドマックス:フュリオサ』新予告が解禁 アニャ・テイラー=ジョイ主演、「怒りのデス・ロード」の前日譚